ISFI’s new application portal is now open

The new application portal is now open

The new application portal facilitates a smoother experience with the application process at the International Sami Film Institute. The new portal is your central place for submitting applications, communicating about the application, requesting disbursements, and reporting on grants. 

To gain access to the new portal, please register here.

Applications from 2023 and previous years
Applications generated and approved before January 1, 2024, remain in the previous portal and will not undergo migration to the new application portal. The reporting process remains unchanged for those tasked with reporting on grants obtained through the old portal. Conversely, applications approved in this new portal will be reported within this platform. It will not be possible to create new accounts in the old portal. The older portal will be phased out gradually.

We appreciate your cooperation as we transition to this updated system, and we hope that this portal facilitates a smoother experience with the application process at the International Sami Film Institute. If you have questions or need assistance in the new portal, please contact us at

The new application portal is made possible with collaboration with Sámediggi on the Norwegian side of Sápmi. Innovit developed the portal.