Sápmifilm – Giellavahkku 2023

Free access to Sápmifilm during Giellavahkku / Sámi Language week 2023 🎬

Sápmifilm is an Indigenous-only streaming platform. Stream films at home that are usually only screened at festivals and cinemas. More than 100 Sámi and Indigenous films you can choose from.

How to get free access to Sápmifilm during Giellavahkku:

  1. Go to www.sapmifilm.com
  2. Click “Log in”
  3. Click “New user? Click here to register”
  4. Fill the form and use the campaign code: giellavahkku2023
  5. Create accou

Maŋŋel Giellavahkku ođastuvvo abonnemeantta dábálaš geavaheaddjái. Dalle mávssát 59 NOK mánnui. Sáhtát rievdadit iežat diŋgojumi kontoheivehusain.
Giellavahkku/Gïelevåhkoe/Giellavahkko/Samisk språkuke 2023 lea golggotmánu 23. – 29. b.