Script Application

International Sámi Film Institute can give grants for Sámi synopsis, treatment, and manuscript writing. In addition, ISFI can support dramaturgical assistance.

  • The purpose of the grant is to ensure a script of the highest possible quality. Furthermore, it shall form the basis for the assessment by ISFI of whether additional funding should be given, if applied for, for the development or production of the film project.

    ISFI’s intention with this grant is to give both experienced and inexperienced scriptwriters of Sámi affiliation the opportunity to create a script that assert itself in the competition for production funding. The development of the script must follow ISFI’s purpose in accordance with the general part of the regulations.

  • The applicant can be a writer, director, producer or a group of these with a Sami background.

    Script grants can be awarded to individual writers or directors writing scripts, or to producers or a group of these. Script grants can be offered to sole proprietorships or limited liability companies (AS, AB, Oy).

    If the grant recipient is a producer, he or she must attach an agreement with the script writer, if required by ISFI. The grant recipient must document how and what the funds are spent on.

    Central roles in the project must be held by people who define themselves as Sami or who speak Sami. Definition central roles are producer or co-producer, and director or script writer.

  • In order to receive a grant from ISFI, the applicant and project must fulfil the general conditions for grants, and criteria that apply to certain projects. ISFI makes an overall assessment of the project on the basis of the project’s artistic form and the criteria set by these regulations.

    The grant is linked to Sami culture and language. Projects applying for grants must comply with the following:


    • The project must be developed in Sami in its entirety
    • Central roles in the project must be held by Sami; in that either the producer or co-producer, and director or script writer define themselves as Sami or are speak Sami.
    • The project must have a Sami theme.
    • Priority is given to projects with children and young people as the target group.
    • The main language in the film must be Sami.
  • The script grant is usually disbursed in two parts; 75% is paid when the grant recipient has accepted the conditions of the grant in writing, and 25% is paid after the project report for the grant has been approved by ISFI.

    A grant for the script does not guarantee further support for production, but it is possible to apply for a grant for the same project later.

    If ISFI provides further support to the project, the script grant is considered part of the overall grant.

    The grant offer from ISFI is valid for three months after the offer has been made. If the grant recipient has not accepted the conditions of the grant within three months, the grant will be withdrawn without notice.

    How much can you apply for:


    • Short film
      • You can apply once for up to NOK 50 000
    • Feature film
      • You can apply for up to NOK 150 000 per application
    • TV series
      • You can apply for up to NOK 250 000 per application


    There are no application deadlines for script grants and applications are processed continuously.

    Application processing time is normally 6 weeks.

    Complaints of ISFI decisions can be made to the Ministry of Culture in Norway.

  • There is no application deadline for scriptwriting scholarships and can be applied when needed.

  • Applications generated and approved before January 1, 2024, remain in the previous portal and will not undergo migration to the new application portal. The reporting process remains unchanged for those tasked with reporting on grants obtained through the old portal. Conversely, applications approved in this new portal will be reported within this platform.

    If the grant is disbursed in two parts, you must report in time or apply for an extension.

    Applications generated and approved before January 1, 2024: The report shall be submitted via email to with reference to the grant reference number.

    Mandatory attachments in relation to the reporting


    • Financial statements
      The financial statement shall show all expenses for the project. If you are reporting on a travel grant, you shall instead submit receipts documenting the expenses in relation to the budget. Expenses for food and driving are not covered.
    • Project funding
      Specify and explain what funding the project has and who is funding the project.
    • Project financial report
      An audited financial report for the project is required if the grant is NOK 200 000 or more. If not, the accountant must sign all financial statements.
    • Script grant
      If you have received a grant for script development, the complete script should be submitted to ISFI. Financial statements or a report on the project funding is not required as part of the report for a script grant. Please note that no tax is deducted from script grants, and recipients are responsible for informing the tax authorities about the grant.


    Missing report / Breach of guidelines

    If the grant recipient breaches the guidelines or ISFI does not receive the report and financial accounting may be of significance to the allocation of future grants. The breach in this context means violating ISFI’s guidelines, if the grant is not used in accordance with the rules that are set for the grant, and/or failure to comply with decisions made by ISFI. In the event of a breach as mentioned above, ISFI may also choose to impose these sanctions:

    • Ceasing payment of the grant for the project in question
    • Ceasing payment of the grant for other projects under the grant recipients’ direction
    • Ceasing the processing of the applicant’s new applications or reject the applications
    • Requiring repayment of all or part of the grant
    • Imposing a quarantine of 3 years or less on allocating new grants
    • In the event of a significant breach, ISFI shall impede any form of funding for the project with immediate effect