OPEN CALL for Sámi Film Producers’ Lab
Published: 29.04.2022
Are you interested in Sámi culture and visual storytelling? Or do you have skills in organising, creating good structures or managing funds? Would you like to find a new career path in the Sámi film field? If you answered ‘yes’ to one of the questions, please keep on reading!
International Sámi Film Institute (ISFI) and Sámi Film Workers Association (SFS) are partnering up to organise Sámi Film Producers’ Lab: Learning the Basics to open up a new career path for the Sámi who are interested in working in the film field as a producer. There is not only one way of being a producer and the Sámi Film Producers’ Lab will give insight on how to find the right role for you in the world of visual storytelling – with the guidance of our own talented Sámi filmmakers!
The Lab will kick off with an online meeting on Tuesday 24th, May 2022 from 17.00-20.00 CET. The session will be held in English language.
Introduction round
SFS & ISFI: Sámi producer, we’re looking for you!
– Sámi narrative sovereignty: why do we need Sámi producers, how can a Sámi producer improve storytelling?
– Brief introduction to the Sámi Film Protocol
Bautafilm: Meet producers Oskar Östergren Njajta and Therese Högberg
– The story behind Bautafilm: how Oskar and Therese got started on their producer’s path and what are their working dynamics when approaching a new project?
Bautafilm is located in the north of Sweden. Since 2011, they have produced award-winning fiction films and documentaries i.e. Sami Blood (directed by Amanda Kernell) and Hobbyhorse Revolution (directed by Selma Vilhunen). Besides their own productions they also co-produce, both national and international, and contribute with their areas of expertise such as line producing, location management, photography, editing and much more.
Q & A + free discussion
– Setting up the next lab meeting & discussing topics that the participants wish to learn about in the upcoming sessions

Meet the Bautafilm producers: Therese Högberg and Oskar Östergren Njajta. Image on the right by Nina Andersson.
After the online kick-off meeting you can determine whether you want to engage further in the one-year training to become a producer. During 2022, the aim is to organise three workshops and in between the workshop sessions there will be follow-ups and mentoring.
The Sámi Film Producers’ Lab will be divided into two levels:
During the first year in 2022, the lab focuses on learning the basics and different roles in producing within Sápmi whereas the second year in 2023 furthers to an advanced level training in the Nordic and international film field. There will be another open call for the advanced level lab at the end of 2022.
The overall goal of the Sámi Film Producers’ Lab 2022 is to provide opportunities for
- Learning by doing
- Bringing in your potential film idea and getting guidance how to go further with the idea from a producer’s point of view
- How to start developing production plan and budget step by step – as well as finding your own way to do it
- The different approaches when producing either fiction, documentary, feature or short films
- Creating a broader network in Sápmi, meeting film colleagues and getting to know each other’s work locations better
- Getting better understanding what kind of different roles there are in a film production and finding out what could be your role to claim
The Sámi Film Producers’ Lab is suitable for anyone, who is interested in filmmaking, organising or budgeting. You can also enter the the Lab with a partner with whom you would like to start producing. Send your application by 15.5.2022 to including the following attachments – either in one of the Sámi languages or in English:
- Motivation letter (max half a page)
– Tell a bit of your background, about your ties to the Sámi community and why would you like to participate in the Producers’ Lab - Summary of your CV (max half a page)
- Film idea (non-mandatory, max half a page)
– Describe your idea briefly and possibly what kind of guidance would you need with getting started with it
We hope to see you in the Sámi Film Producers’ Lab!