Sámi and Arctic Indigenous producers in Marhcé du Film, Cannes 2023
Published: 09.05.2023
Arctic Indigenous Film Fund and International Sámi Film Institute (ISFI) together with Indigenous Screen Office (ISO) in Canada will organize a series of meetings and film events during the Cannes film festivals 2023.

CEOs of AIFF and ISFI, Liisa Holmberg and Anne-Lajla Utsi in Cannes.
We are presenting Arctic Indigenous filmmakers and their work:
Linn Henriksen, producer, Sweden / Sápmi
Oskar Östergren Njajta, producer, Norway / Sápmi
Emile Hertling Péronard, producer, Greenland
The main outcomes for filmmakers and their careers are to get direct contact with the world film business. They will meet and pitch their films and ideas during these events to the film funders, distributors, and sales agencies, which can lead to direct sales now or in the future.
Having an opportunity to be part of bigger Arctic Indigenous film delegation, one filmmaker will get more attention and visibility for their films. One of the outcomes will be also to give our filmmakers the key to the professional film markets like Cannes Marché du Film to give them more confidence and experience in the future. Attending the events gives also the filmmakers good credit for their CVs and it will higher their credibility in the global film business.
Time: 17.-21. May 2023
Place: Canada Pavilion, Scandinavian House / Marché du Film