application info
International Sámi Film Institute can support the distribution of films. Distribution to film festivals, markets, TV, or streaming services is eligible for distribution grant from ISFI.
With this grant scheme, which is intended for the distribution of Sami short films, documentaries, feature films and series, the International Sámi Film Institute wishes to support professional filmmakers and film distributors so that Sami films can reach a global audience.
The applicant must be a Sami producer / film distributor or a collaborative group in consultation with a professional distribution company, and it is a requirement that the Sami producer / distributor submits the application.
It is required that the production/distribution company is a limited liability company (AS, AB, OY).
The grant recipient must document how and what the funds are spent on.
In order to receive a grant from ISFI, the applicant and project must fulfil ISFI’s application criteria and ISFI makes an overall assessment of the project on the basis of the project’s quality and the criteria set by these regulations.
The grant is linked to Sami culture and language. Projects applying for grants must comply with the following:
The distribution grant is usually disbursed in two parts; 75% is paid when the grant recipient has accepted the conditions of the grant in writing, and 25% is paid after the project report for the grant has been approved by ISFI.
The grant offer from ISFI is valid for three months after the offer has been made. If the grant recipient has not accepted the conditions of the grant within three months, the grant will be withdrawn without notice.
There are no application deadlines for the distribution grant and applications are processed on an ongoing basis. The application can be sent as needed.
Application processing time is normally 6 weeks.
Complaints of ISFI decisions can be made to the Ministry of Culture in Norway.
There is no application deadline for distribution grants and this can be applied for when needed.
Applications generated and approved before January 1, 2024, remain in the previous portal and will not undergo migration to the new application portal. The reporting process remains unchanged for those tasked with reporting on grants obtained through the old portal. Conversely, applications approved in this new portal will be reported within this platform.
If the grant is disbursed in two parts, you must report in time or apply for an extension.
Applications from 2023 and previous years: The report shall be submitted via email to with reference to the grant reference number.
Mandatory attachments in relation to the reporting
Missing report / Breach of guidelines
If the grant recipient breaches the guidelines or ISFI does not receive the report and financial accounting may be of significance to the allocation of future grants. The breach in this context means violating ISFI’s guidelines, if the grant is not used in accordance with the rules that are set for the grant, and/or failure to comply with decisions made by ISFI. In the event of a breach as mentioned above, ISFI may also choose to impose these sanctions: